Wednesday, February 17, 2010

slight scheduling changes

Feb. 22 mailing a self
1. Carroll Smith-Rosenberg, "The Female World of Love and Ritual" [BB] [Lauren presents]
2. Konstantin Dierks, “The Familiar Letter and Social Refinement in America, 1750-1800,” in Letter Writing as a Social Practice, in David Barton and Nigel Hall, eds., pp 31-42 [BB] [Dawn presents]
3. Letters of M. Carey Thomas to Mary Elizabeth Garrett, on BB. Note: most of these are handwritten and will take a good deal of time to decipher.

~Optional: David M Henkin, The Postal Age: The Emergence of Modern Communications in Nineteenth-Century America, pp. 93-118 [BB]
~Optional: Lucille Schultz, “Letter-Writing Instruction in 19th Schools in the United States,” in Letter Writing as a Social Practice, in David Barton and Nigel Hall, eds., pp 109-130 [BB]

24 “This is my letter to the World / That never wrote to Me--”
1. Emily Dickinson, selections on BB
2. Elizabeth Hewitt, “Dickinson’s Lyrical Letters,” Correspondence and American Literature, 1770-1865, pp. 142-172 [BB]
3. William Decker, “A Letter Always Seemed to Me Like Immortality,” from his
Epistolary Practices, pp. 141-175 [BB]

March 1 the one that went unwritten
1. M. Carey Thomas, Before They Could Vote, pp. 219-232
2. Margo Culley, “Introduction” to her A Day at a Time: Diary Literature of American
Women, from 1764 to 1985, Smith and Watson, Women, Autobiography, Theory: A Reader, pp. 217-221 [BB]

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