Wednesday, March 17, 2010

20 Years

Jane Addams's Twenty Years at Hull-House with Autobiographical Notes is our book for next week. I love this text and it changed--and continues to change--the way that I thought/think about autobiography, myself, my world, the world. It may seem a bit dry at first glance, but give it time and put in the effort. I'd like you to make your way through it in its entirety, but focus especially on the following chapters (you can "read in" the others):

Chap. 1 Earliest Impressions
Chap. 2 Influence of Lincoln
Chap. 3 Boarding School Ideals
Chap. 4 Snare of Preparation
Chap. 5 First Days at Hull-House
Chap. 6 Subjective Necessity...
Chap. 7 Some Early Undertakings...
Chap. 8 Problems of Poverty
Chap. 11 Immigrants and their Children
Chap. 15 The Value of Social Clubs
Chap. 16 Arts at Hull-House
Chap. 18 Socialized Education

I'll be interested to hear about what you think that this text does, how it works, and how it resonates even today. What is the relationship between the autobiography (or "autobiographical notes") and her work toward social justice for immigrants in Chicago.

p.s. Jane Addams had a long history of affiliation with Bryn Mawr. She was the commencement speaker in 1912 and she maintained a working relationship with M. Carey Thomas for many years thereafter.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Mary Antin Introduction

Consider Antin's introduction to The Promised Land:

I was born, I have lived, and I have been made over. Is it not time to write my life's story? I am just as much out of the way as if I were dead, for I am absolutely other than the person whose story I have to tell. Physical continuity with my earlier self is no disadvantage. I could speak in the third person and not feel that I was masquerading. I can analyze my subject, I can reveal everything; for she, and not I, is my real heroine. My life I have still to live; her life ended when mine began.

A generation is sometimes a more satisfactory unit for the study of humanity than a lifetime; and spiritual generations are as easy to demark as physical ones. Now I am the spiritual offspring of the marriage within my conscious experience of the Past and the Present. My second birth was no less a birth because there was no distinct incarnation. Surely it has happened before that one body served more than one spiritual organization. Nor am I disowning my father and mother of the flesh, for they were also partners in the generation of my second self; copartners with my entire line of ancestors. They gave me body, so that I have eyes like my father's and hair like my mother's. The spirit also they gave me, so that I reason like my father and endure like my mother. But did they set me down in a sheltered garden, where the sun should warm me, and no winter should hurt, while they fed me from their hands? No; they early let me run in the fields—perhaps because I would not be held—and eat of the wild fruits and drink of the dew. Did they teach me from books, and tell me what to believe? I soon chose my own books, and built me a world of my own.

In these discriminations I emerged, a new being, something that had not been before. And when I discovered my own friends, and ran home with them to convert my parents to a belief in their excellence, did I not begin to make my father and mother, as truly as they had ever made me? Did I not become the parent and they the children, in those relations of teacher and learner? And so I can say that there has been more than one birth of myself, and I can regard my earlier self as a separate being, and make it a subject of study.

A proper autobiography is a death-bed confession. A true man finds so much work to do that he has no time to contemplate his yesterdays; for to-day and to-morrow are here, with their impatient tasks. The world is so busy, too, that it cannot afford to study any man's unfinished work; for the end may prove it a failure, and the world needs masterpieces. Still there are circumstances by which a man is justified in pausing in the middle of his life to contemplate the years already passed. One who has completed early in life a distinct task may stop to give an account of it. One who has encountered unusual adventures under vanishing conditions may pause to describe them before passing into the stable world. And perhaps he also might be given an early hearing, who, without having ventured out of the familiar paths, without having achieved any signal triumph, has lived his simple life so intensely, so thoughtfully, as to have discovered in his own experience an interpretation of the universal life.

I am not yet thirty, counting in years, and I am writing my life history. Under which of the above categories do I find my justification? I have not accomplished anything, I have not discovered anything, not even by accident, as Columbus discovered America. My life has been unusual, but by no means unique. And this is the very core of the matter. It is because I understand my history, in its larger outlines, to be typical of many, that I consider it worth recording. My life is a concrete illustration of a multitude of statistical facts. Although I have written a genuine personal memoir, I believe that its chief interest lies in the fact that it is illustrative of scores of unwritten lives. I am only one of many whose fate it has been to live a page of modern history. We are the strands of the cable that binds the Old World to the New. As the ships that brought us link the shores of Europe and America, so our lives span the bitter sea of racial differences and misunderstandings. Before we came, the New World knew not the Old; but since we have begun to come, the Young World has taken the Old by the hand, and the two are learning to march side by side, seeking a common destiny.

Perhaps I have taken needless trouble to furnish an excuse for my autobiography. My age alone, my true age, would be reason enough for my writing. I began life in the Middle Ages, as I shall prove, and here am I still, your contemporary in the twentieth century, thrilling with your latest thought.

Had I no better excuse for writing, I still might be driven to it by my private needs. It is in one sense a matter of my personal salvation. I was at a most impressionable age when I was transplanted to the new soil. I was in that period when even normal children, undisturbed in their customary environment, begin to explore their own hearts, and endeavor to account for themselves and their world. And my zest for self-exploration seems not to have been distracted by the necessity of exploring a new outer universe. I embarked on a double voyage of discovery, and an exciting life it was! I took note of everything. I could no more keep my mind from the shifting, changing landscape than an infant can keep his eyes from the shining candle moved across his field of vision. Thus everything impressed itself on my memory, and with double associations; for I was constantly referring my new world to the old for comparison, and the old to the new for elucidation. I became a student and philosopher by force of circumstances.

Had I been brought to America a few years earlier, I might have written that in such and such a year my father emigrated, just as I would state what he did for a living, as a matter of family history. Happening when it did, the emigration became of the most vital importance to me personally. All the processes of uprooting, transportation, replanting, acclimatization, and development took place in my own soul. I felt the pang, the fear, the wonder, and the joy of it. I can never forget, for I bear the scars. But I want to forget—sometimes I long to forget. I think I have thoroughly assimilated my past—I have done its bidding—I want now to be of to-day. It is painful to be consciously of two worlds. The Wandering Jew in me seeks forgetfulness. I am not afraid to live on and on, if only I do not have to remember too much. A long past vividly remembered is like a heavy garment that clings to your limbs when you would run. And I have thought of a charm that should release me from the folds of my clinging past. I take the hint from the Ancient Mariner, who told his tale in order to be rid of it. I, too, will tell my tale, for once, and never hark back any more. I will write a bold "Finis" at the end, and shut the book with a bang!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

required blog post

Forget the immediacy of your lives for a moment and trace the genealogy of one of your sensibilities. Choose something about yourself -- your preference for root vegetables or your belief in social justice -- and reconstruct its lineage. What are the first traces of this inclination? How did it develop over time?

slight scheduling changes

Feb. 22 mailing a self
1. Carroll Smith-Rosenberg, "The Female World of Love and Ritual" [BB] [Lauren presents]
2. Konstantin Dierks, “The Familiar Letter and Social Refinement in America, 1750-1800,” in Letter Writing as a Social Practice, in David Barton and Nigel Hall, eds., pp 31-42 [BB] [Dawn presents]
3. Letters of M. Carey Thomas to Mary Elizabeth Garrett, on BB. Note: most of these are handwritten and will take a good deal of time to decipher.

~Optional: David M Henkin, The Postal Age: The Emergence of Modern Communications in Nineteenth-Century America, pp. 93-118 [BB]
~Optional: Lucille Schultz, “Letter-Writing Instruction in 19th Schools in the United States,” in Letter Writing as a Social Practice, in David Barton and Nigel Hall, eds., pp 109-130 [BB]

24 “This is my letter to the World / That never wrote to Me--”
1. Emily Dickinson, selections on BB
2. Elizabeth Hewitt, “Dickinson’s Lyrical Letters,” Correspondence and American Literature, 1770-1865, pp. 142-172 [BB]
3. William Decker, “A Letter Always Seemed to Me Like Immortality,” from his
Epistolary Practices, pp. 141-175 [BB]

March 1 the one that went unwritten
1. M. Carey Thomas, Before They Could Vote, pp. 219-232
2. Margo Culley, “Introduction” to her A Day at a Time: Diary Literature of American
Women, from 1764 to 1985, Smith and Watson, Women, Autobiography, Theory: A Reader, pp. 217-221 [BB]

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

schedule of presentations

Just so we're all on the same page:

2/3: Emily
2/8: Stephanie
2/10: Beverlei and Katelyn (please collaborate!)
2/17: Kristin and Shakti (collaborate also!)
2/22: Dawn and Lauren (same thing...)
2/24: Rayna
3/15: Adelyn
3/17: Aarthi
3/22: Mary
3/29: Gillian
4/7: Brittney
4/12: Erika
4/21: Elizabeth

No Smith and Watson reading

Please cross out the Smith and Watson reading for Monday. Concentrate on the Benstock and Fuller readings.

Monday, February 1, 2010

oral presentations

Oral presentations will begin this Wednesday. As you prepare for your own presentation, I'd like you to consider -- and incorporate -- the following:

1. What is the central argument of the text?
2. How does the author construct her argument?
3. What kinds of sources does the author use to make her argument?
4. What are the strengths or advantages of her argument?
5. What are the weaknesses or limitations of her argument?
6. How might we use the essay or chapter to understand better the primary texts we've read?
7. What questions does the text raise for you in your developing understanding of life writing?

I hope that you will try to tackle most of these questions, though some may be more appropriate than others, depending on your selection. You may choose to what extent your presentation is interactive. You may also choose how to use technology (and you may well choose not to use it at all). The room is wired for a laptop, if that suits your particular purpose. You may also elect to create a handout or other visual aids. The delivery is up to you.

Good luck!